Overhead Cranes Edmonton

We are an Edmonton-based company specializing in the maintenance and repair of overhead cranes. These cranes are commonly found in industrial settings, and they are used to move heavy items throughout a facility from above rather than on the ground. There are many benefits to using overhead cranes in a work space, including the ability to save money by not having to invest in multiple forms of lifting devices, as well as the ability to customize them to meet the needs of a particular location.

There are also many useful tools that are associated with overhead cranes, including the overhead crane warning light. This device helps to warn people of the movement of the crane hook and load, ensuring that employees and visitors to a workplace are protected. Some of the features associated with this device include visual warnings in the form of lights that point to the ground below, which can be beneficial in an environment that is loud.

Another benefit of the overhead crane warning light is that the system works automatically when the crane is in use. The device comes with a blue, red or white 24 LED Spotlight or line light.

At CraneEx, we can assist you with all of your overhead crane-related needs. Our team of innovative technicians will work with you to ensure that you are provided with the best quality of service and products for your budget.
